Katherine M Marshall




Portrait  Commission Contract

This is a contact between_____________________________________(Client), located at:


City, State, Zip Code______________________________

Phone _________________________________


And Katherine Marshall (Artist)

Following and contingent upon preliminary consultations and agreements, Client commissions the Artist to create an artistic rendering of the Client’s choice.  By entering this contract, the Client acknowledges that they have reviewed other work of the Artist and is familiar with the Artist’s style.

Examples of the artist”s work can be viewed at kathymariestudio.com.

The artist will photograph the subject for the artwork, at a cost of $50.00 for one hour within a 20 mile radius, with an additional charge of 0.50 cents per mile beyond 20 miles. 

If the client wishes to send a digital photograph of the subject, the Artist asks that the Client follow the Artist’s guidelines for photography to the best of the Client's ability.  Client guarantees that the photo is not a professional photo and the client has full rights to the photograph. The Client agrees to take responsibility, holding the Artist blameless, in the case of any disagreements or litigation concerned with privacy and/or portrayal.

Digital  photos can be sent to this email kathy@kathymariestudio.com.

Following initial consultation and discussion with the Artist, the client commissions the Artist to create a painting of:

Subject ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Medium:     _____Watercolor  _____Watercolor pencil

                   _____Watercolor and pencil

Size_____________ of painting       Size with mat___________

Agreed-upon completion date _________

Full price                                 $______________

Shipping/ Handling charge     $______________

Total                                        $ _____________

Minus 30% deposit                 $______________

Total due upon completion     $______________


Client agrees to make the non-refundable deposit of 30% of full purchase price at contract signing. Payment may be made in cash, card or check. Please make your check payable to Katherine Marshall. 

Client understands that the price quoted does not include framing.  The painting will be shipped or delivered to the Client in a mat with a backing board and sealed in a non acetone clear sleeve.  All care will be taken when packing the portrait for shipping.


After the contract is signed a date will be set up to photograph the subject/subjects.  Please have clothing and hair ready for the photo shoot at the appointed time. The photo shoot will last one hour. If more time is needed  an additional fee will be added of $50.00 per hour.  

Photos will be reviewed by the artist and another appointment will be set online to decide Which photo will be used for the portrait.

The Client will be provided a digital  view of the sketch before the painting begins. 

Once the agreed upon photo and sketch is approved the painting will begin.  

One online photo of the painting will be sent  to the Client before the painting is complete, once approved  the Artist will make no further changes to the portrait.

Fees and copyrights

Fees are for only original artwork, and do not include copyrights or reproduction rights, which remain with the Artist unless explicitly transferred to the Client by means of an additional contract and purchase price.

See information on the artist’s rights as protected by the Federal Copyright Act of 1976 and the Federal Visual Rights Act of 1991: https://www.copyright.gov/title17/

 The Artist retains the right to show this commissioned artwork in her portfolio, social media and will retain digital photographs of the artwork for use in exhibits, competitions, etc., including her website/s and other digital publishing uses. 


Should the Client decline to purchase the final work of art, they agree to forfeit the non-refundable deposit and release any claim of ownership of either images used or the physical work of art, and understands that the Artist may offer the artwork for public sale as well as putting it to the uses described above.

 Client Name: ____________________________________________________________ 

Client Signature:___________________________________________________


 Artist Katherine M Marshall

